Collection: LOUD For Tomorrow

In collaboration with Loud for Tomorrow, a political home for young people building a future of liberation and equity, Neta is excited to present a limited run of our latest Neta Shop product. Isang Bagsak is a message of solidarity, resistance, and Delano history. This phrase is rooted in the farmworker struggle in Delano, California. Grounded in the 1960's farmworker movement and grape boycott to the current housing and immigrant fight in the community of Delano.

Isang Bagsak is a phrase commonly used to conclude the Unity Clap, a clap often used by organizations and social justice-oriented groups to close a meeting or event. As the group begins the unity clap, everyone starts at a different rhythm and heartbeat, and as the clap progresses, our heart and rhythm become nsync and unite as one. As the claps continue faster and faster, you can hear it come into unison, unity, power, and solidarity, and our heartbeats become one. Insane Bagsak is yelled out by the person leading as everyone closes with one strong clap in unison. Everyone follows. Isang Bagsak | One Rise One Fall reminds us that your struggle is my struggle. 

All proceeds from the sale of this collection will be donated to support the work of LOUD For Tomorrow.
2 products
  • Isang Bagsak LOUD For Tomorrow Tote
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  • Isang Bagsak LOUD For Tomorrow T-shirt
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